Canadian Festival and Event Accessibility Survey


**The survey ends February 15th, 2024.**

We are reaching out to people, who have been part of outdoor, indoor, and virtual festivals and events in Canada. This includes people who have been involved in promoting, planning, hosting, content creation, performing, vending, supplying security and medical services, providing venues, etc., for Canadian festivals and events.

We want to hear from you in our survey on Canadian festival and event accessibility for people with disabilities. Your survey feedback will help shape accessibility recommendations. All Canadian festivals and events can use these to improve accessibility. The recommendations will also inform future standards for Accessibility Standards Canada.

What is a Festival or Event?

A festival or event is a planned gathering. People come together to celebrate, remember, or highlight a theme, focus, or group. Some are free, others cost money. They can be open to everyone, or be private. Festivals and events can be outdoor, indoor, or virtual. They can happen a lot, every year, in certain years, or only once. Our interest is in these types of festivals and events:

  • Arts and Culture
    Examples: Performance, movie, comedy, music, etc.
  • Community
    Examples: Community fair, Lantern festival, heritage, Calgary Stampede, etc.
  • Multicultural, Diversity, Specific Groups, and Language
    Examples: Greek fest, Asian night markets, Black or African entrepreneur events, Pride, seniors, etc.
  • Indigenous
    Examples: Truth and Reconciliation, Pow wow, rodeo, etc.
  • Disability and Inclusion
    Examples: Disability arts festival, etc.
  • Agriculture
    Examples: Farm, harvest, 4H, vegetarian, wildlife, fish, food, drink, etc.
  • Family and Children
    Examples: Reading, games, circuses, etc.
  • Government
    Examples: Federal, provincial, and municipal events, such as National Reconciliation Day, Canada Day, New Year's Eve, etc.
  • Holiday
    Examples: Lunar New Year, Halloween, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.
  • Seasons
    Examples: Fall fair, summer solstice, winter carnival, etc.
  • Sports
    Examples: Indoor and outdoor baseball, football, lacrosse, etc.
  • Automotive
    Examples: Car shows, show and shine, car races, etc.
  • Other
    Examples: Conferences, etc.

Survey Information and Deadline

The survey has 14 questions, and should take 5 to 10 minutes to finish. The survey ends February 15th, 2024. You can find the survey at:

Other Survey Formats

Other survey formats are available:

These surveys can be done by:

  • Email:
  • Toll Free Phone: (888) 660-4755
  • Mail: Independent Living Canada, Festival Accessibility Project, PO Box 74085, Ottawa RPO Beechwood, Ontario, K1M 2H9.
  • Zoom Booking:

You can access other survey formats on our YouTube page:

To fill in a survey in ASL, LSQ, or voice, please contact us to book a time. Email, or call toll-free at (888) 660-4755.

French versions of all survey formats.

Privacy, Security, and Consent

When you take the survey, nobody knows who you are. We don't track, or ask for personal identifying information. Only the project team will see the data, and it is kept safe with a password. By filling out the survey, you agree to let us use your answers, including direct quotes. We may use them in public reports, journal articles, recommendations, presentations, and interviews.

Taking this survey is low risk. You may share things that are uncomfortable, or embarrassing, causing stress or worry. You can stop anytime, or skip questions you don't want to answer. The good thing is that your experiences shape future festival and event standards in Canada, and make them more accessible.

Contact and Thank You

If you have questions, please contact Lisa, the Research Study Coordinator. Email her at, or call toll free (888) 660-4755. Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences with us! We really appreciate it.

This project is funded by Accessibility Standards Canada, and the Government of Canada. Independent Living Canada is a national non-profit association of community-based Independent Living Centres. They are run by, and for, people with disabilities.

Logo of Independent Living Canada.

Accessibility Standards Canada logo with Canadian flag. Government of Canada logo.